1. Equity
(1) Isolated Margin Equity
Definition: The actual assets in your Isolated Margin account. The equity of each position is calculated independently and does not affect each other.
Calculation: Equity = Transferred - in Amount - Transferred - out Amount + Realized PNL (Current Position) + Unrealized PNL (Current Position)
(2) Cross Margin Equity
Definition: The actual assets in your Cross Margin account, which is the total equity of all positions.
Calculation: Equity = Transferred - in Amount - Transferred - out Amount + Realized PNL (All Positions) + Unrealized PNL (All Positions)
2. Available Margin
Definition: The remaining assets after deducting the frozen margin in your Futures account, which can be used to open positions and add margin.
(1) Available Margin = Account Balance - Frozen Margin
(2) Account Balance = Transferred - in Amount - Transferred - out Amount + Realized PNL - (Margin Balance - Unrealized PNL)
3. Position Amount
Definition: The contract amount of the current position. The amount of the Long position is shown in green and the Short position is shown in red.
4. Average Entry Price
Definition: The average cost of opening a position, which can accurately display your actual opening cost. When adding positions in the current market, the position value will be recalculated based on the executed price.
Linear Contract Avg. Entry Price = Cumulative Open Value / Position Amount
Inverse Contract Avg. Entry Price = Position Amount * Contract Value / Cumulative Open Value
5. Opening Value
Definition: Opening Value refers to the asset value after a position is opened.
(1) Linear Contract Open Value = Position Amount * Opening Price
(2) Inverse Contract Open Value = Position Amount * Contract Value / Opening Price
6. Position Value
Definition: The current position value, estimated at the Mark Price.
(1) Linear Contract Position Value = Position Amount * Mark Price
(2) Inverse Contract Position Value = Position Amount * Contract Value / Mark Price
7. Position Margin
Definition: The margin used and locked for the position.
Position Margin = Initial Margin + Increased Margin - Decreased Margin + Unrealized PNL + Settlement PNL
Under Isolated Margin mode, when the position margin is less than the maintenance margin, the position will be forcedly liquidated.
Under Cross Margin mode, when the position margin is less than the maintenance margin, the margin will be automatically allocated from the available balance to this position, and the position will be liquidated when the available balance is insufficient.
(1) When increasing margin, the position value will be increased by the corresponding amount.
(2) When decreasing margin, the position value will be deducted by the decreasing ratio.
(3) When increasing leverage, the maintenance margin will remain the same since the initial margin is decreased.
(4) When decreasing leverage, the initial margin will be increased.
a. If the initial margin < the position margin, the position margin remains the same;
b. If the initial margin > the position margin, then a required amount will be transferred from the Available Margin to offset the differential;
c. If the Available Margin > the required amount, the leverage is allowed to be adjusted.
8. Initial Margin
Definition: The margin required for opening positions.
(1) Initial Margin = Opening Value * Initial Margin Rate
(2) Initial Margin Rate = 1 / Leverage * 100%
9. Maintenance Margin
Definition: The minimum amount of margin required to keep your position open.
Calculation: Maintenance Margin = Mark Price * Position Amount * Maintenance Margin Rate
10. Frozen Margin
Definition: Frozen Margin refers to the frozen initial margin and trading fees when the current order cannot be executed immediately.
(1) Buying
Linear Contract:
(Frozen) Opening Margin = Position Amount * Buying Limit Price * Initial Margin Rate
(Frozen) Trading Fees = Contract Amount * Buying Limit Price * Maker Rate
Inverse Contract:
(Frozen) Opening Margin = Contract Amount * Contract Value / Buying Limit Price * Initial Margin Rate
(Frozen) Trading Fees = Contract Amount * Contract Value / Buying Limit Price * Maker Rate
(2) Selling
Linear Contract:
(Frozen) Opening Margin = Position Amount * Selling Limit Price * Initial Margin Rate
(Frozen) Trading Fees = Contract Amount * Selling Limit Price * Maker Rate
Inverse Contract:
(Frozen) Open Selling Margin = Contract Amount * Contract Value / Selling Limit Price * Initial Margin Rate
(Frozen) Selling Trading Fees = Contract Amount * Contract Value / Selling Limit Price * Maker Rate
(1) Frozen buying/selling limit price will be calculated at the lowest price in their own direction.
(2) Initial Margin Rate = 1 / Leverage * 100%
11. Profit & Loss Rate (PNL%)
Definition: The current PNL% of your open contracts, estimated at the Mark Price or the Latest Price.
Calculation: PNL% = Cumulative PNL / Initial Margin
12. Unrealized PNL
Definition: The current PNL of your open contracts, estimated at the Mark Price or the Latest Price.
(1)Linear Contract
(Long) Unrealized PNL = Position Amount * (Mark Price - Settlement Price)
(Short) Unrealized PNL = Position Amount * (Settlement Price - Mark Price)
(2)Inverse Contract
(Long) Unrealized PNL = Contract Amount * Contract Value * (1 / Settlement Price- 1 / Mark Price)
(Short) Unrealized PNL = Contract Amount * Contract Value * (1 / Mark Price- 1 / Settlement Price)
Please refer to What's Settlement Price for how to calculate settlement price when Pyramiding Auto-Settlement is enabled.
13. Realized PNL
Definition: The realized PNL refers to the profit and loss since the opening of the position, including the PNL at the time of settlement, the PNL when adding or reducing position, the paid trading fee, and the funding fee.
(1)Linear Contract
(Long) Realized PNL = Position Amount * (Closing Price- Settlement Price) + Σ Settlement PNL
(Short) Realized PNL = Position Amount * (Settlement Price- Closing Price) + Σ Settlement PNL
(2)Inverse Contract
(Long) Realized PNL = Contract Amount * Contract Value* (1/ Settlement Price- 1/ Closing Price)
(Short) Realized PNL = Contract Amount * Contract Value* (1/ Closing Price- 1/ Settlement Price)
Please refer to What's Settlement Price for how to calculate settlement price when Pyramiding Auto-Settlement is enabled.
14. Bankruptcy Risk
Definition: Bankruptcy Risk is calculated based on the position margin and the maintenance margin for the current position. The larger the value, the higher the risk. When the risk reaches 70%, CoinEx will issue a liquidation alert; when reaching 100%, the liquidation process will be triggered.
(1) Isolated Margin: Bankruptcy Risk = Maintenance Margin / Position Margin * 100%
(2) Cross Margin: Bankruptcy Risk = Maintenance Margin / (Available Margin + Position Margin)* 100%