Why can't you receive the SMS verification code?
1. Didn't click "Send Code".
2. Mobile network congestion or weak signal.
3. Service instability and incompatibility in multinational SMS carriers.
4. Text message memory is full.
5. Message filtering is active on your phone.
Recommended solutions
Please try the following methods if you can't receive the SMS verification code.
1. Try again in 5 minutes.
2. Ensure the phone signal is strong. If the signal is unstable, move to a place with strong signal reception.
3. Switch on Airplane Mode, restart your phone and then switch off Airplane Mode.
4. Clear the mobile or SMS storage.
5. Check your junk messages and disable SMS filtering.
6. Reset phone number, and bind Google Authenticator. Use the GA code instead of the SMS code. For more details, please refer to How to Reset/Change Mobile Number and How to Bind Google Authenticator.
Please submit a ticket if none of the above solutions can solve your problem.